Updated Book - Cobham's STRANGE Photography REVISITED
We are pleased to add to our collection of books for sale, the updated Cobham Strange Photography book by Eric Strange.
Many Cobham residents will remember the Dawson Strange Photography shop in Between Streets and before that in Anyards Road.
Dawson Strange closed in 2006 when Eric Strange retired. In 2012 Eric Strange went through his back catalogue of photographs to create a book called "Cobham's Strange Photography" which featured much of Cobham's well known local built and natural environment, its commerce and the people who helped mould Cobham into the place we know and love today, as well as the places that are no more.
This book builds on the previous book published in 2012 which is now out of print and includes 7 new chapters and has doubled in size.
Limited availability.
First published in 2022
Hardback book with 112 pages of full colour photographs.
Book size: 25.7 x 25.7 x 22mm